Otherwise, it becomes a frustrating paradox of ideas: In confined areas, Force Unleashed requires greater player precision, but makes it more difficult to be precise.ĭespite these moments of frustration, you'll often find that Force Unleashed is a pleasant challenge, particularly during the best of its boss encounters. That's fine in large environments, when there is more camera maneuverability. This is more of a problem here than in most games, though, because Force Unleashed chooses a target not based on the direction the player is facing via the camera, but which direction Starkiller is facing. And as is the case with many third-person action game cameras, getting in a smaller space means claustrophobic camera angles that cause you to lose perspective of the bigger picture. In the most claustrophobic areas, this might mean flinging an exploding barrel into yourself, throwing it into nothing at all, or targeting a completely immovable item-which then begs the question why the game let you target it with force grip in the first place. The targeting is loose, which makes it incredibly easy to grab something other than what you intended, and even easier to throw it at something other than into its actual mark. This becomes more apparent as Force Unleashed's targeting foibles come more clearly into focus. The action gets problematic at almost any other time, however, and the hyperactive physics become almost as much of a liability as an asset. The impressive physics work quite well in huge, open areas like a TIE Fighter facility. Unfortunately, developer LucasArts often fails to string these amazing moments together long enough to keep the momentum going. Too bad it doesn't always stick to its strengths. When the Force Unleashed rocks, it really rocks. This is a game that will make you grab your friends to show off your potent skills. Grabbing a Rodian from a distance, electrocuting it, and flinging it into a crowd of shock troopers hearing your lightsaber hum and whir after you whip it toward an innocent Wookiee or just drop-kicking a whining Jawa: These moments may very well cause you to yell with glee. In open environments, these mechanics deliver-big time. You can grab any number of objects and characters using your force grip power, and when combined with other skills like force lightning and force push, you can fling stormtroopers into Wookiees, crush Felucian tribal leaders under boulders, and smash AT-STs with scattered barrels. You can thank the game's robust physics engine for those thrills. The fun wins out, mainly because when it runs on all cylinders, you truly feel like a powerful Dark Jedi, using a variety of force powers and lightsaber slashes to rain death upon rebel and imperial foes alike. If you're interested in The Force Unleashed for more than its story, you'll find that it's a mixture of pure fun and pure frustration. Sharing the details of the trio's adventures would spoil too much, so suffice to say, you'll grow remarkably fond of Starkiller and his companions, and their moral conflicts carry a lot of weight.
Force unleashed ps4 review android#
You'll interact with Vader, of course, but Starkiller spends most of his time with an android called PROXY and his female pilot, Juno Eclipse. The story, as brief as it is (the game ends at around the eight-hour mark), contains multiple twists, features some friendly and not-so-friendly faces, and is both explosive and remarkably intimate. The Clone Wars have ended, and Vader orders you to hunt and destroy the last of the remaining Jedi. Leading the narrative charge is Galen Marek, aka Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice. The drama is further enriched by a vivid art design that breathes life into the franchise's long-sterile visual exterior. Sure, it offers its share of melodrama, but it's tempered by emotive voice acting and expressive character models, and together they provide the emotional heft long missing from the movies. In fact, The Force Unleashed represents a real step forward in storytelling for the famed franchise, delivering a story both more intimate and more powerful than the entirety of the second film trilogy. If you're interested in this game because you're looking for familiar science-fiction pageantry and a classic good-versus-evil tale, you'll find it delivers both. Now Playing: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Video Review - Ī big chord and brass fanfare signal the opening of Force Unleashed-the same intro that sparks excitement in millions of fans the world over every time they hear it.
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